The decision was made at the state assembly of the teachers’ delegates, with the aim of covering the dialogue that they will resume in this 2024 with the federal government
Juchitán. – Within the framework of the resumption of the dialogue with the federal government, Section 22 of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) will suspend classes this Tuesday 20 in all public schools of the basic level of the Oaxacan entity.
The agreement was made at the state assembly of the teachers’ delegates, which began yesterday and ended this morning, with the aim of covering the dialogue that the leaders of Section 22 will resume in this 2024 with the Secretariats of the Interior and Public Education.
During the state assembly, section 22 of the SNTE also agreed on a series of mobilizations on the occasion of International Women’s Day, March 8, and before, on Monday, February 26, they will mobilize in Valles Centrales to demand the delivery of vouchers for uniforms.
For March 18, the teachers grouped in the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE), will suspend classes in all schools in the Isthmus to march in Salina Cruz, on the anniversary of the oil expropriation.
According to the agreements collected by the table of the debates, section 22 of the SNTE will mobilize again with 20% of its members, in a political and cultural activity in San Pablo Guelatao, on March 21, for the anniversary of the birth of Benito Juárez.
In the dialogue tables that they will hold next Tuesday with the heads of Segob and SEP, the members of the Political Commission of section 22 of the SNTE will demand that the processes for the delivery of keys to schools and the workforces be completed.
These decisions were taken as a follow-up to the dialogue tables that were installed last year, between November 2023 and January of this 2024, when the State Institute of Public Education of Oaxaca (IEEPO) authorized the hiring of just over 3 thousand graduates of the normal schools.
In addition, the head of the IEEPO, Emilio Montero Pérez, reported this weekend that 58 million pesos were authorized for the payment of incidents to teachers of all levels, which can be collected personally from tomorrow Monday.
On internal issues, the state assembly of the teachers agreed to review the performance of the previous Sectional Executive Committee chaired by Eloy López, regarding various union assets, union dues resources and “pacts” with the past government administration.
Source: El Universal