Oaxacans criticize protests in the country’s capital


Last Tuesday, January 25, indigenous Triquis who are in a sit-in in front of the Palace of Fine Arts, in Mexico City, also decided to interrupt vehicular traffic on the Lázaro Cárdenas Central Axis. Given this, Oaxacan men and women express their rejection of these actions.

They celebrate a year of protest

The displaced from Tierra Blanca Copala, in the Triqui area, decided last Tuesday to once again demand that the authorities, both state and federal, fulfill the commitments established so that they can return to their community of origin, in the Mixteca region of the entity. .

The demonstrators are members of the Independent Triqui Unification and Struggle Movement (MULTI) and represent a total of 143 families displaced from their land.

It was on December 26, 2020, when this group of indigenous people fled from their place of origin, in the face of – they said – death threats; later, he installed a blockade on Avenida Juárez in Mexico City, which is now more than a year old.

They accused the political actors of leaving them abandoned, since neither the state government nor the federation have consolidated an agenda and path of dialogue, so they are alone again, they said.

They affirmed that an appropriate work route would be a meeting with the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in order to work on the axes of dialogue and peace.

Oaxacans criticize protests in the country’s capital

In an interview for NOTICIAS Voz e Imagen de Oaxaca, Oaxacan men and women expressed their rejection of the protest maintained by the Triqui indigenous people in the country’s capital.

“Well, look, they should demand it, but from the government of Oaxaca, because they go to the country’s capital and show a different face. They have been in that blockade for a year, what do you think the people who are from there and who see them every day think, ”said Gabriela, a young Oaxacan.

“They give a bad face of what we really are; It is true that we have a lot of culture and traditions, many colors in our city, but if we show everyone protests, blockades, well, imagine where we are going to end up, ”he stressed.

“Also the state government, if it can’t handle the package, then let them say they can’t, that they’ve already done everything possible and even then they weren’t capable, because they just lengthen time and continue to leave us in a bad light,” he said.

Guillermo, an adult from Oaxaca, asserted that the protests are tiresome among those who see them on a recurring basis.

“We in Oaxaca live among protests, but we have also adapted to that way of seeing things, but asking for patience from the inhabitants of another state, because it is something else,” he declared.

“I believe that the authorities should get to work and provide them with a place where they can stay while the situation is resolved; but if they also do not take into account those who protest, then who ”, he questioned.

“It is a problem that originated in Oaxaca, but that is resolved by the federal government; then it becomes clear who are the ones who cannot with the package”, he sentenced.

Finally, Julia, an adult from Oaxaca, stated that they should be given an answer, but that they should also avoid affecting mainly people from another state, who have no idea of ​​the problems in Oaxaca.

25 January they blocked the Central Axis

143 families were displaced

26 December 2020 they left their land

1 year of protest meet in Fine Arts

“Well, look, they should demand it, but from the government of Oaxaca, because they go to the country’s capital and show a different face. They have been in that blockade for a year, what do you think the people who are from there and who see them every day think?

Gabriela, Young Oaxacan

“It is a problem that originated in Oaxaca, but that is resolved by the federal government; then it becomes clear who are the ones who cannot with the package”.

Guillermo, Oaxacan Citizen

Source: nvinoticias.com

The Oaxaca Post