The heart of Oaxaca registers a high influx of tourists, most not wearing a facemask


Oaxaca, Oax. – The Center of the City of Oaxaca shines with arrangements alluding to the Day of the Dead, where a large influx of people has been observed, who despite the health contingency due to COVID-19 come to take photos and enjoy culture and gastronomy local.

Authorities continue to call on the population to maintain preventive measures against COVID

143 new cases of COVID-19, 38 municipalities with new cases, and 5 hospitals at 100% of their capacity are the numbers of the latest report from the state Health Secretariat regarding the pandemic, which continues to be active.

The authorities call on the population to maintain sanitary measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

Faced with the green epidemic risk traffic light and the next feast Day of the All Souls, the institution pointed out that the pandemic has not ended and the risk of outbreaks due to infections persists. Therefore, he called on the population to celebrate these dates responsibly and reduce mobility, because it is not yet time to lower our guard.

He added that, in recent days, hospital admissions of people sick with the coronavirus have remained down, for this Thursday there is a report of 149 people admitted to a medical center of the entity, one is a new admission; Therefore, the Health Sector has 271 beds available to care for the pandemic.

By Health Jurisdiction, the hospital capacity of the Isthmus presented 44.2%, while Tuxtepec 41.2%, while Valles Centrales 35.9%, Costa and La Mixteca with 28.6% and 25.7% respectively, the Sierra remains at 0%.

Also, the institution announced that in the update of the Covid-19 report, for this day 143 new cases were reported in 38 municipalities, for a total of 80 thousand 595 accumulated.

In addition to three more deaths, which add up to 5,402 deaths due to the viral disease, with a greater prevalence in the age group 65 and over with 2,500 deaths.

He added that Valles Centrales and the Isthmus concentrate the largest number of patients with the disease in active stage, after reporting 259 and 128 notifications respectively, followed by Tuxtepec, Mixteca, Costa and Sierra, with 75, 38, 30 and 18 cases, to add a total of 548 patients who fell ill in the last 14 days, residents of 89 municipalities.

Of the total accumulated positive cases, Valles Centrales has a global of 48,912 confirmed and 2,394 deaths, Isthmus 11,516 confirmed and 1,175 deaths, Tuxtepec 5,405 confirmed and 532 deaths, Costa 5,728 confirmed and 458 deaths , Mixteca 6,190 confirmed and 554 deaths, Sierra 2,844 confirmed and 289 deaths.

In this same period, 38 municipalities with the presence of new infections were identified, being Oaxaca de Juárez the one with the highest number when quantifying 33 cases, Salina Cruz with 22, Santa Lucía del Camino with eight, San Mateo del Mar with seven, as well as Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán, Santa María Jalapa del Marqués and Santo Domingo Chihuitán with six each, the rest five, four, three, two and one notification.

The institution asserted that, almost two years after the start of the health emergency, hygienic and protective measures should be part of the families’ lifestyle, in order to avoid the outbreak of infections.


The Oaxaca Post