Oaxaca artisans sell products in New York without intermediaries


As a result of the permanent empowerment process aimed at the economic autonomy of artisans that the Oaxaca Women’s Secretariat (SMO) has implemented and, together with the agency’s efforts with the Mexican Consulate in New York, 15 of them exhibited and commercialized various artisan products directly in various spaces in this part of the American Union.    

Although not all the artisans were able to travel, their companions took what they had made “with their hands and a little piece of heart,” said one of them, to offer it in artisanal places such as Poughkeepsie, and Newburgh, New York, as part of the commemoration of the 211 Anniversary of the Beginning of the Independence of Mexico, an event organized by community leader Aracely Mendoza. 

Also, along with the organization Las Musas Oaxaqueñas they were in the New York Bronx. At all times, the entrepreneurs of Oaxaca appreciated the solidarity of their fellow Mexicans, as they said, only in this way was it possible to materialize the dream of bringing more of Oaxaca to the world, to see their sales increased by 50% compared to the previous year, where the COVID-19 pandemic severely sapped their profits.

Artesanas de Oaxaca logran colocar artesanías en Nueva York - Oaxaca MX

The artisans were very grateful to the organizing bodies both in Oaxaca and in the United States for the sales they managed to make and because the management of the consulate and the SMO were able to meet with Lilia Ríos, Mexican founder of the company La Providencia, with whom they are in talks to support artisans to start a chain of commercialization of their products in the American Union.

“It is always very satisfying to see that people in another country appreciate and enjoy buying our products, our blouses and what we do, it also fills us with joy to find countrymen here and other Mexicans who may still take something from their homeland, then the challenges, obstacles and all that it cost us to get here, we see that it was worth it, because when several women work together, together we can move forward and continue growing, “said one of the entrepreneurs.

Artesanas de Oaxaca logran colocar artesanías en Nueva York - Oaxaca MX

Finally, they thanked those who made their presence in the United States possible.

The Oaxaca Post