570 municipalities of Oaxaca need to cancel national holidays, due to the increase in Covid-19


Francisco García López expressed that it is of the utmost importance that the authorities comply with this measure, in order to avoid the massive concentration of people

Oaxaca de Juárez.— Given the sustained increase in infections and deaths due to Covid-19, the Secretary-General of the Government (Segego), Francisco García López, urges the municipal, auxiliary, agrarian authorities and commissioners of the 570 municipalities in the entity, to cancel all kinds of events on the occasion of the National Holidays.

The head of the Segego expressed that it is of the utmost importance that the authorities comply with this measure, in order to avoid the massive concentration of people in public spaces, and with it the increase in infections by Covid-19.

“With the instruction of Governor Alejandro Murat to reinforce sanitary measures so as not to put Oaxacan families at risk, I urge the authorities of the 570 municipalities and the population in general to cancel all public events, either because of the National, Patronal, private holidays or any activity that generates the massive concentration of people in the public thoroughfare ”, he expressed.

Pandemia deja ventas de fiestas patrias por los suelos, dicen comerciantes  | Oaxaca

García López added that the pandemic has not ended and given the third wave of infections, which according to the latest records of the Oaxaca Health Services is increasing, it is necessary to strengthen health measures.

“Even with the great progress that has been made in the application of the vaccine against Covid-19 to the population, it is extremely important not to trust oneself, since the risk of contagion is latent; Given this, I call on the municipal authorities to implement the necessary actions to safeguard the health of Oaxacans, ”he said.

In this sense, the official stressed the importance of raising awareness as a society, avoiding attending or holding events that generate a massive concentration of people, since they put their health at risk.

And he recalled that it is important not to lower our guard and reinforce the sanitary measures issued by the authorities of the Health sector, such as the use of face masks, frequent hand washing, use of antibacterial gel, and social distancing to prevent the increase in infections and deaths from continuing. by Covid-19.

According to the latest report from the Oaxaca Health Services, the entity reported 600 new cases in the last 24 hours, in 105 municipalities, for which there are 2 thousand 11 patients who are currently fighting the disease and therefore represent a risk of contagion. .

En 24 horas, Oaxaca registró 600 casos por Covid-19 MEGANOTICIAS

Source: oaxaca.eluniversal.com.mx

The Oaxaca Post