Protesters affect citizens of Oaxaca de Juárez; cause traffic chaos


As every May 1, the Labor Day is commemorated, in the city of Oaxaca, unions take the streets to demand that their labor rights be respected and make a series of demands to the state government.

Hundreds of workers leave from different points in the capital towards the city’s main square; In its aftermath, the main streets of the capital are closed to traffic, which means that public transport buses and motorists have to take other roads, which generates traffic.

According to Labor Indicators for the Municipalities of Mexico (ILMM) 2022, presented by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), more than half of the municipalities of Chiapas, Guerrero and Oaxaca presented a rate of informality labor greater than 64 percent.

This means that many Oaxacans who do not have formal employment took to the streets last Monday to go to their workplaces, but they encountered some complications to get there.

Since last Sunday, April 30, the programming of the marches for the first of May in the capital began to circulate on social networks; Given this, Reyna Méndez was warned and left an hour in advance.

She works in a clothing boutique on Las Casas street, so in order to arrive early and not have any setbacks, she left for her work area.

But not all citizens ran with the same luck, since many of them expressed their annoyance at the demonstrations that caused them to have delays in their jobs, medical appointments, among other activities.

“We are the same, nothing has changed in Oaxaca, unions and organizations take to the streets whenever they please and citizens pay the consequences,” was the slogan launched by Mariana Ortiz on a social network.

In a tour carried out by NOTICIAS Voz e Imagen de Oaxaca, the despair of citizens for not being able to circulate through the streets, mainly in the city of Oaxaca, was confirmed.

A march organized by the Union of Section 22 of the CNTE, left the Viguera intersection at exactly 9:00 am, heading towards the zócalo.

Lorena, a resident of San Pablo colony, got into her car and took federal highway 190. But when she got to the intersection, she noticed the severe traffic chaos in the area; a number of cars circulated very slow looking for an alternative route, in this case, the only route was the Interior Circuit, but given the large number of vehicles, it took Lorena more than 40 minutes to reach a commercial store located in Madero.

“Good morning neighbors, if you are going out, be careful, the Viguera intersection is already congested and there is chaos to get through,” was a message she sent in a WhatsApp group.

The international commemoration of May 1 as Labor Day has its origin in the repression of a worker demonstration in Chicago, United States, which occurred precisely on May 1, 1886.

According to information from the Mexican government, in the country, during the Mexican Revolution, the Casa del Obrero Mundial unified various labor organizations. Its affiliates decided to publicly commemorate May 1 as International Labor Day, starting in 1913.

That year the first workers’ parade was held on May 1, in which more than 25,000 workers participated.

Over the time, the commemoration of May 1 became a traditional celebration, which shows that the struggle to improve the working conditions of workers continues.

Source: NVI Noticias