Netflix has a Mexican movie so good that Guillermo Del Toro and Alfonso Cuarón praised it, it is a must see


This film was screened in Egypt and won an award at the Cairo Film Festival, its genius earned it positive comments from Oscar-winning Mexican filmmakers

Within Mexican cinema there are various productions that immediately attract attention due to their proposal and without a doubt one of them in contemporary cinema is the one directed by the Mexican Fernando Frías, it is the film “I am no longer here”, a film that It is currently available on Netflix, which since its premiere unleashed enormous furor due to the strong themes it touches on, including migration, violence, music, and cultural belonging, or rather, countercultural.

“I’m not longer here” is a production that after its premiere conquered millions, this was reflected in the various awards it won, including the Best Short Film award at the Morelia International Film Festival. In addition, it carries an international career under its shoulder, since it was exhibited in Egypt and won an award at the Cairo Film Festival; it was also part of various festivals such as Göteborg in Sweden or Tribeca in New York.

The film deals with the story of Ulises, a 17-year-old boy who becomes involved with a gang, like most young people his age, and he decides that his will be that of “Los terkos”, a nucleus where at the beginning he will feel at home, but little by little, circumstances will make him realize that nothing is easy within gangs.

Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuarón praised the film

The feature film by director Fernando Frías de la Parra was the subject of conversation for Oscar winners Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuarón, who talked about the narrative wisdom of the story, specifically around the “Kolombiano” movement and “Los Terkos” (gang central within the film), which managed to connect with the audience that saw it.

  “The film does represent a very lively way of renewing the language and stories that are told in Mexican cinema,” said Del Toro, winner of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences statuette for Best Director for The Shape of Water.

“I’m not longer here” was consolidated as one of the most successful films on Netflix after its premiere in May 2020; The film by the Chilango director occupied the first places in Mexico and received excellent reviews, despite this, it was not considered for the Oscars, which caused the annoyance of Internet users, however, this film is worth seeing at least once in a lifetime.

Source: El Heraldo de Mexico