In March, the Primavera Documental arrives in Oaxaca featuring Mexican films


“If a documentary cannot change the world, it can help us change what surrounds us”, is the motto of Doctubre, one of the components of DocsMX’s permanent exhibition, training, and creation platform. Next month, the movie-loving public will be able to enjoy “Primavera Documental”, from March 1 to 31 in-person, continuing with the promotion of cinema that shows the real-life of different characters and communities in our country. In Oaxaca there are already four registered venues: Cinema Cuervo, in Oaxaca de Juárez; Cineteco, Villa de Etla; the Yucusaa Community Museum, in San Pedro Villa de Tututepec and Cine Club Verde y Vivo, in Santa Cruz Huatulco. 

After a decade of considering October as: the month of the documentary, the initiative arose to increase these efforts in 2022 with Primavera Documental “Documentary Spring”, whose programming is made up of a selection of seven Mexican feature films, which will visit 25 states throughout the republic. Mexican and will have a presence in more than 80 locations.

It should be remembered that Doctubre is also a collaborative exhibition network in which alternative audiovisual exhibition spaces such as film clubs, houses of culture, universities, state cinemas, cultural centers, among others, participate. “All these venues have contributed to the development of documentary film in Mexico with the dissemination and training of new audiences, as well as the decentralization of the cultural offer,” reads its website.

With the proposal to the public to join and be part of the change, this program can be enjoyed in four locations in the state, two in the Central Valleys and two on the Coast. To consult schedules and venues, you can enter the page:

Lo que verás


A Rarámuri leader and his community were dispossessed of their lands by drug traffickers for refusing to change from corn to poppy crops. For four years they have lived displaced in a city, threatened with death, without identity and desperately seeking justice to be able to return to their place of origin. This documentary by Teresa Camou is inserted in the genre: indigenism and ethnography.

“Un México perro. El héroe verdadero”

The Aguayo Dog is a legend of Mexican Wrestling, through this story, the viewer puts himself in his boots, sees and listens to his colleagues, his family, his enemies, relives his triumphs and anecdotes, as well Like the great inheritance that he left his son, to be a hero of Lucha Libre and that it took it away from him. Directed by Rafael Aparicio and Andrés Klimek, its genre is biography, character and sports.

“Fiesta Nacional”

Intimate portrait of the open veins of deep Mexico. A look at the life and work of Kena, a Wixárrika artist; Diego, a bullfighter from a centuries-old dynasty; and Arturo, a mason who plays Jesus Christ. Directed by Augusto de Alba, this documentary is cultural, ethnographic and experimental.

“El gran salto”

In 2013, Luis Rivera established himself as the best Mexican jumper in history. He is now preparing to be the first Mexican to reach the Olympic Games with doctorate studies, while recovering from injuries and poor results. Directed by Jorge Porras, its genre is biography and sports.


A Spanish conquistador from the 16th century arrives in Mexico in the middle of 2020; 499 years after the fall of Mexico-Tenochtitlan follows the route of Cortés, in an environment as strange as it is familiar, witnessing the reality of the country, meeting migrants, relatives of murdered and disappeared people, and questioning the role of the colonizer in the construction of this violence. Directed by Rodrigo Reyes, it is a history documentary and docu-fiction.


A man reunites with his scattered and dysfunctional family to confront the life story of his absent father, a failed hit man killed years ago on the Mexican border. Directed by Gian Cassini, this is an investigative and character documentary.

“Giro Polar”

A traveler who escapes to find the purest, most distant light and one of the most extraordinary phenomena of nature: the northern lights, losing himself in the unknown to find himself and question his role in this universe, in which we are tiny and fleeting. Directed by José Emilio Ramos Gómez, this documentary is about places, environment and travel.


“499”, by Rodrigo Reyes, Mexico, 2019, 88 minutes.

“Comala”, Gian Cassini, Mexico, 2021, 98 minutes.

“Cruz”, Teresa Camou, Mexico, 2021, 99 minutes.

“The great jump”, Jorge Porras, Mexico, 2019, 84 minutes.

“National holiday”, Augusto de Alba, Mexico, 2021, 99 minutes.

“Polar turn”, José Emilio Ramos, Mexico, 2019, 50 minutes.

“A Mexico Dog. The true hero”, Rafael Aparicio and Andrés Klimek, Mexico, 2021, 70 minutes.

El Apunte 

Doctubre and Primavera Documental are possible thanks to the Fiscal Stimulus for Investment Projects in National Film Production and Distribution (Eficine).


From the 1st to the 31st of March.


The Oaxaca Post