Oaxaca Cine moves to the internet to survive a new normal


The director of Oaxaca Cine punta that the idea of developing the virtual theater is linked to the need to move forward

Oaxaca de Juárez.- At a time when cultural spaces seek to survive the Covid-19 pandemic the Oaxaca Cine project became the first in the state to open a virtual room for the projection of films.

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In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL, the director of Oaxaca Cine, Isabel Rojas, points out that the idea of developing the virtual theater is linked to the need to move forward. “When the quarantine period began, we thought it would be 40 days and that we would resume later. When we realized that it would not have an immediate end, we began to think about other options.

Aware that face-to-face activities would not be possible in the near future, the creators of Oaxaca Cine analyzed proposals that would allow, through their possibilities, to offer programming virtually.

Oaxaca Cine se muda a internet para sobrevivir a nueva normalidad | Oaxaca

Oaxaca Cine is close to being nine years old since its creation, as a project aimed at offering cinematographic proposals through thematic billboards, in order to make countless films available to film lovers in the capital and give that experience to low cost.

On August 7, the virtual room of the project was formally launched, through the page www.oaxacacine.com. The films are preceded by a talk on the subject that is transmitted through Facebook Live.

Isabel abounds that the response from the community has been very good, but that they will have to wait for the room to reach its first
month to know the figures and the scope of the transmissions.

Currently, Oaxaca Cinema is in a moment of uncertainty regarding financing, because at the federal level there have been cuts in the
cultural sphere; However, since the management of this year’s resources began in July 2019, the project was guaranteed for 2020 and allowed the mutation to virtual.

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“There is never a certainty that it can continue to the following year, Oaxaca Cine, like many other projects, lacks the stability in
resources to continue carrying it out, but our commitment is to continue looking for them,” she says.

While the online projection walks, Isabel Rojas indicates that the offer that began at the end of July will continue until December; However, they hope that in October or November, some functions can be in person at the Juárez Theater, with the sanitary measures.

Oaxaca Cine se muda a internet para sobrevivir a nueva normalidad | Oaxaca

She adds that migrating to digital has been a challenge since it has required making adjustments in the programming, the payment of exhibition rights, technical authorization, public accessibility, as well as the search for platforms that are reliable.

“In our work, which is cultural promotion, specifically, the formation of film audiences, not everything is measured in numbers, but rather in the impact it causes on the public. We have a very important challenge: we must consider where accessibility is taking us through technology, which allows us to interact with new and existing audiences ”, she says.

The dynamic to enter the online functions is to enter the Oaxaca Cine page, where there is a “virtual room” tab with the movie catalog. Just click to be redirected to the site that hosts the tape; and to see it you have to pay with a bank card 30 pesos, which guarantees you two views, the first one free

Feel free to contact Oaxaca Cine for more information on their Facebook page by clicking here

Source: oaxaca.eluniversal.com.mx

The Oaxaca Post