Cofepris classifies 17 beaches in Oaxaca as clean and suitable for recreational use


98.5% of the country’s beaches -among these those of Oaxaca- can be classified as suitable, since they meet the safety levels of enterococci established by the WHO

The Oaxaca Health Services ( SSO ) through the Sanitary Regulation and Promotion Directorate, reported that the 17 beaches of the three main tourist destinations of the entity – Puerto EscondidoHuatulco and Puerto Ángel – are located within the permissible limits of 200 MPN / 100 ml, which means they are clean, free of enterococci and suitable for recreational use.

This according to the results validated by the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks ( Cofepris ) corresponding to the Clean Beaches 2021 program, which indicates that to date, 98.5% of the country’s beaches -among these those of Oaxaca- Can be classified as suitable, since they meet the safety levels for enterococci established by the World Health Organization ( WHO ).

In order to maintain preventive surveillance and safeguard local, national and international tourists who come to these places of rest and recreation during the December holiday season, seawater samplings for recreational use were scheduled on the coastline, in charge of of the Sanitary Jurisdiction number four “Costa”.


In total, 102 samples were analyzed in the State Laboratory of Public Health of Oaxaca ( LESPO ), based on the Official Mexican Standard NOM_210_SSA1-2014 during the pre-vacation period for the Winter Season 2021, from November 29 to December 8 of this year.

Samples were taken in Puerto Ángel on the beaches: Zipolite I and Zipolite II; in Huatulco: La Entrega, Chahué, La Bocana and Tangolunda; and in Puerto Escondido the beaches were: Puerto Angelito, Carrizalillo, Marinero, Zicatela I, the result of which was that they meet the quality criteria established as ranges of protection for the user population.

“With the samplings, the quality of the seawater is guaranteed to prevent and limit the risks and damages to the health of the population due to skin diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, and others caused by contaminated water”, the SSO pointed out.


The quality of water in the tourist centers is a primary factor to guarantee the protection of the health of the users, so this health authority carries out these tests with a preventive approach.

“The institution urges the population that visits or will visit the beaches this holiday season to continue with the sanitary measures against Covid-19, such as the use of face masks, frequent hand washing, healthy distance and avoid crowded places or spaces closed, “he said in a statement.

In addition to trying not to sunbathe directly, use sunscreen, do not enter the sea if they consume alcoholic beverages or after eating food and deposit the garbage in its place, so as not to pollute the environment.

Detailed information on the levels reported by each beach can be consulted on the Cofepris page, available at , as well as through the digital platform built jointly with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources ( Semarnat ), at: .


The Oaxaca Post