Shopping center parking will be free in Oaxaca


Parking spaces located in shopping centers, squares, supermarkets, and self-service stores, or any other commercial establishment will be free in Oaxaca.

The local Congress decreed the gratuity by reforming articles 4, 24 Bis and the second paragraph of Section XLI, of the Mobility Law for the State of Oaxaca, which prohibits in any way the collection of fees or fees for the protection of vehicles within these sites.

The deputy of Morena Elisa Zepeda Lagunas, promoter of this initiative, stated that the abuse of shopping plazas in the entity is worrying, which overcharges for the use of parking since when a person makes a purchase in these places, you are already paying for the use of parking.

The consumer not only pays for parking as a motorist but also in his role as a buyer is paying, despite paying for his consumption in commercial and service establishments, he added.

The legislator specified that in the last three years in the state of Oaxaca there has been a lot of disagreement on the part of consumers about the excessive charging and terrible service, of the parking lots of shopping centers, self-service stores, hospitals, clinics, cinemas, terminals, air, and land transport terminals, restaurants, bars, among other commercial establishments.

The reform to the Mobility Law, which establishes free use of parking spaces in shopping centers and services, ruled by the Permanent Commission on Mobility, Communications and Transportation, will enter into force after its publication in the Official Newspaper of the State of Oaxaca.


The Oaxaca Post