AMLO creates a legal team to confront tax-evading companies


Taxes will not be increased nor will the price of gasoline be increased

The Federal Government creates a legal team, which depends on President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to face the litigation that large companies resort to avoid paying taxes.

During his morning conference on this day from the National Palace, the president explained that company lawyers applied delaying tactics to meet their tax obligations; in addition to receiving help from members of the Judiciary.

“They knew, or know, all the tricks, the delaying tactics. Now there is a team, and I say this with all respect to the companies, which depend on me. I am forming a team with lawyers, those yes, very prepared and on all incorruptible, “he said.

In addition, he pointed out that once they initiate legal proceedings against companies that maintain their refusal to pay their taxes, they are followed up and attention is paid to the actions of the judges, to detect if they lengthen the process and consequently denounce it.

“From the moment a complaint is filed, a complaint; we follow up on it and if a judge puts the complaint in the drawer and leaves it there for a longer period of time, that judge will be denounced in the Supreme Court of Justice so that end impunity, “he said.

López Obrador reiterated that in the face of the economic and health crisis in the country, taxes will not be increased or the price of gasoline will not rise, but he asked everyone to comply with their fiscal obligations because that helps everyone in the country.


The Mazatlan Post