Why can’t the death penalty be applied in Mexico?


On February 9, Ingrid “N” was killed by her partner, Erick Francisco “N”, 45; the man confessed that the crime was committed under the influence of alcohol

Resultado de imagen de Ingrid “N”

” The devil entered me, ” said the alleged feminicide of the young woman, who on Tuesday, February 11 was linked to the process by the  Attorney General of Mexico City  ( FGJ-CDMX ).

Resultado de imagen de Ingrid “N”

They demand the death penalty …

Due to the cruelty of the crime, users on social networks viralized the hashtag #penademuerte, as they request it be applied to Erick Francisco ” N “.

Death penalty in Mexico?

The measure requested by Internet users for Erick Francisco ” N “ cannot be applied in Mexico since the death penalty was erased from the Mexican Constitution and the Military Justice Code in 2005.

According to the reports, the last execution by death penalty in Mexico occurred in the state of Coahuila in 1961.

Olga Sánchez Cordero promises justice for Ingrid and all the women killed

The Secretary of the Interior condemned femicide, as well as the filtering of photos and videos of the crime scene

Sánchez Cordero condemns Ingrid feminicide

The head of the Ministry of the Interior ( Segob ), Olga Sánchez Cordero, condemned the feminicide of Ingrid ” N “ , 25, who was murdered by her partner last Sunday, February 9 at the mayor’s office Gustavo A. Madero.

The Secretary of the Interior also exploded – through a publication on her Twitter account – against those who disseminated images and videos of the crime scene.

In this regard, Olga Sánchez Cordero promised justice for Ingrid, but also for all women who have been victims of femicide in our country.

Source: heraldodemexico.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post