Blockade on the Tuxtepec-Oaxaca federal highway


Citizens dissatisfied with a new landfill in Valle Nacional block the Tuxtepec-Oaxaca federal highway

Valle Nacional, Oaxaca – Residents of Valle Nacional blocked Federal Highway 175 in protest of the location of the new landfill.

The protest arose after the municipality of Tuxtepec prohibited Valle Nacional, Jacatepec, Chiltepec and Ojitlán from accessing its landfill, leaving the community without an adequate site for the disposal of their waste.

The protesters denounced that, in light of the closure of the Tuxtepec landfill, the municipal authorities of Valle Nacional decided to open a new landfill in an area that, according to the residents, puts the environment and public health at risk.

“The problem is not only that Tuxtepec closed its doors to us, but now they want to impose a landfill without consultation, without adequate studies, and without considering the environmental impact,” said the protesters.

The blockade has caused long lines of vehicles and affected transporters and travelers who travel on this important communication route in the Papaloapan Basin.

Source: SEGO Oaxaca

The Oaxaca Post