Huautla de Jiménez, a magical place in the middle of the Oaxaca mountains (VIDEO)


When in Mexico, a trip to Oaxaca is a must! The Mecca for food lovers, Oaxaca is the best spot to visit if you are in search of authentic Mexican food with all the bells and whistles.

But, while staying in Oaxaca, be sure to fall under the spell of Huautla de Jimenez, one of the most whimsical of the magical villages.

Shrouded in mysticism and famous for its rich vegetation, this is one of the pueblos mágicos you have to explore.

The locals are known to display their traditional dress with pride, a local custom that fills the streets with color. And, a one-time famous resident, María Sabina claimed to have discovered the hallucinogenic properties of mushrooms and used them to reach a closer connection between land and the Gods above.

Whether this is true or not, don’t miss a visit to the Cerro de la Adoración, a hill where many spiritual offerings were made to the Aztec Gods.

Today people travel to this hill to take in the impressive views of the coffee, cocoa, and tropical fruit plantations while also enjoying a leisurely hike.

Source: Youtube

The Oaxaca Post