What are the municipalities with the least poverty in Mexico?


San Pedro Garza García in Nuevo León and Benito Juárez in CDMX are the municipalities with the least poor in Mexico.

Coneval’s 2020 Municipal Poverty measurement shows that the country continues to maintain strong contrasts: the municipalities with the highest percentage of the population living in extreme poverty are concentrated in Oaxaca and Chiapas, and in general in the southeast of the country; while the localities with the lowest percentage of poor inhabitants are located in the north of the country.

José Nabor Cruz, Executive Secretary of Coneval, explained that among the 15 municipalities with the lowest percentage of poor population are San Pedro Garza García de Nuevo León, which only reports 5 percent of its population living in poverty, the Mayor of Benito Juárez in Mexico City and the municipality of Huepa in Sonora.


In contrast, the five municipalities that have remained in the group with the highest percentage of the population living in poverty in the 2010-2020 decade were: AldamaChanalChalchihuitán and San Juan Cancuc in Chiapas; as well as San Simón Zahuatlán in Oaxaca.

“The relevant characteristics of these municipalities are that they are indigenous localities and their population in poverty has unfortunately represented more than 98 percent of their inhabitants, ” stressed José Nabor.

“ Oaxaca continues to maintain the highest number of municipalities with percentages greater than 80 percent of its population living in poverty, although there is certainly a significant reduction trend in terms of the number of municipalities with a population percentage greater than 80 percent. in a situation of poverty for this state ”, stressed the executive secretary of Coneval.

Also for Chiapas and Guerrero, their tendency in this decade is to decrease municipalities with 80 percent or more of the population living in poverty.

On the other hand, if we review the total number of municipalities with percentages less than 20 percent of the population living in poverty, Nuevo León is the state with the greatest progress.

In other words, more and more municipalities are reporting less than 20 percent of their population in poverty.

“If we analyze the municipalities with the highest number of people in poverty by 2020, it is the municipality of León Guanajuato, the town with the highest number of people in poverty with 816.9 thousand people who are in this situation,” he said.

Ecatepec de Morelos, from the State of Mexico and the mayor’s office of Iztapalapa in Mexico City, follow as towns with the highest number of poor populations.

Source: elfinanciero.com.mx

Mexico Daily Post