Oaxaca cheese businessman funeral goes viral (videos)


The Reyes Etla municipality is known for the production of Oaxaca cheese or quesillo, being one of the main livelihoods of families

The funeral of Carlos Santiago Gómez, owner of a creamery in Reyes Etla, Oaxaca, went viral on social networks because a motley of cheese danced to the rhythm of the band next to the coffin. 

Four men wearing red shirts are carrying the coffin of Santiago Gómez, while they danced to the band music.  

The rest of the people who were in the place also moved to the rhythm of the music, while they held flower crowns that they brought to the owner of the “Los Reyes de Etla” cheese shop.  

The municipality of Los Reyes Etla is known because its inhabitants are dedicated to the production of cheese since it is one of the main sources of livelihood for families, but it is not a tradition that is not permeated in the new generations.  

How is cheese made?

The Explora Oaxaca portal describes the production process. After the milk is collected, a pasteurization and coagulation process is carried out, because it is no longer allowed to add rennet from cattle, due to sanitary regulations.  

Then water is placed in a pot, which must be allowed to boil,   indicating that the temperature must be exact or there is a risk of breaking the cheese.  

The fermented dough crumbles and is poured into hot water and with a wooden spoon, it begins to move to form what is commonly known as Oaxaca cheese.  

By having the texture, the chewy dough is stretched, salt is added and when it is ready it is rolled to form the traditional ball. It is indicated that 10 liters of milk are required to prepare a kilo of cheese.  

After completing its process, the producers report that it can last up to 30 days in storage so that it can be consumed.  

The Oaxaca Post