Two of the coolest neighborhoods in the world are in Mexico (video)


The power of the Mexican neighborhood was felt by taking two positions from the famous list of the “Coolest Neighborhoods of 2021” from Time Out magazine, see what they are.

Coolest Mexican neighborhoods

Centro, Mexico City

The heart of Mexico beats, and it beats strong, that is why Time Out placed the center of Mexico City in the 23rd place of the “Most attractive neighborhoods in the world”.

According to the publication, the closure of activities in the downtown area of ​​the capital due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused everything to reinvent itself: museums, bars, restaurants and even the streets, making it look bigger and stronger than ever.


Downtown, Oaxaca

At site 42, downtown Oaxaca positioned itself as one of the “coolest neighborhoods in the world” thanks to its “magnificent trio”: mountains, mezcal, and memelas.

Among the things that made Oaxaca stand out among the 49 neighborhoods considered by Time Out are its community of artists, its culinary greatness, and the greatness of its native cultures.

Foto de Español Interactivo Language School, Oaxaca: Learn Spanish in  beautiful colonial Oaxaca - Tripadvisor

Other “cool neighborhoods of the world”

Nørrebro, Copenhagen

The town of Nørrebro in Copenhagen was crowned the number one site of the “coolest neighborhoods in the world”.

Andersonville, Chicago

Andersonville in the “Windy City”, Chicago is considered by the list as the second “most attractive neighborhood in the world” for its LGBTQ + nightlife and the bars and restaurants that line the Clark Street corridor.

Jongno 3-ga, Seoul

The historic, eccentric and unpretentious Jongno 3-ga in Seoul, South Korea is the third most extraordinary neighborhood in the world.

The list goes on

Neighborhoods such as Ngor in Dakar, Richmond in Melbourne, Neukölln in Berlin and the Center of Medellín, also joined the publication’s “list of great neighborhoods this 2021” .

To position all these neighborhoodsTime Out considered aspects such as food, drink, nightlife and culture of the place; as well as the spirit of community, resilience and sustainability.

Mexico Daily Post