Secretary of Economy request protection of Oaxacan silkworm products


Juan Pablo Guzmán, Secretary of State for the Economy, pointed out that the petition is an action for the protection of industrial property in favor of entrepreneurs, producers, and artisans, as well as micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Government of Oaxaca, through the State Ministry of Economy, requested before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), the granting of the Geographical Indication of the wool rugs of Teotitlán del Valle (in the Valles Centrales) and the silkworm, which occurs in San Pedro Cajonos, in the Sierra Norte of the state.

The Secretary of Economy of Oaxaca, Juan Pablo Guzmán Cobián, pointed out that the petition is an action for the protection of industrial property in favor of entrepreneurs, producers and artisans, as well as micro, small and medium-sized companies.

In Oaxaca, the communities of San Pedro and San Miguel Cajonos, both expelling migrants, have organizations of residents that are dedicated to the production of silk and the manufacture of textiles from yarn.

The application for these Geographical Indications has the endorsement of the municipal authorities, citizens, artisans, artisans and producers of the municipalities of San Pedro Cajonos and Teotitlán del Valle, respectively. The procedure was carried out at the request of the communities.

In 2019, in Oaxaca the creation of the first Silkworm Sanctuary in Mexico was announced, equipped with a sericulture laboratory for the rearing of worms. The work includes an investment of 14 million pesos, obtained through the National Entrepreneur Institute.

The sanctuary was erected in San Pedro Cajonos, with the aim of preserving the breeding of silkworms, an activity that was rescued by the inhabitants themselves, since migration almost extinguished the textile tradition, which was retaken by settlers 36 years ago in San Pedro and San Miguel Cajonos.

According to the government of Oaxaca, Geographical Indications differentiate and give added value to the products that they distinguish, every time consumers can know the origin and prestige of a product, they usually belong to the most developed regions of the world, and there are also many in developing areas that have them.

These protection measures or instruments are used to identify products whose characteristics are given by the natural qualities of the geographical environment where it is produced.

The Industrial Property Law defines the concept of Geographical Indication as “The name of a geographical area or that contains said name, or another indication known to refer to said area, that identifies a product as originating from it, when determining quality, reputation or other characteristics of the product is fundamentally attributable to its geographical origin ”.

On October 19, 2020, Oaxaca received the first Geographical Indication in the country to protect alebrijes, tonas, nahuales, wood carvings and fantastic figures, because with it the alebrijes cannot be plagiarized, imitated or stolen.

Said Geographical Indication was requested by the Government of Oaxaca, granted and published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on said date.


The Oaxaca Post