Reservations in Oaxaca hotels collapse 30% due to the increase in infections


The increase in COVID-19 infections, the closure of beach destinations, and the saturation of hospitals in Oaxaca, generated a 30 percent drop in hotel reservations in the state capital.

Even when the traffic light remains orange, tourists have decided to cancel their visit to the entity due to the risk that at the moment represents having almost three thousand active cases of the SARS-CoV2 virus (COVID-19) and saturation of 19 hospitals.

“We have had a 30 percent cancellation due to the orange traffic light and especially that it has impacted tourists and visitors who came to the beaches, make a stopover in Oaxaca and now the beaches will be practically closed by agreement of the municipal authorities and this drives away also to tourism ”, said the president of the Mexican Association of Hotels and Motels (AMHM), José Rivera Espino.

Thus, from registering an average occupancy of 40 percent, this weekend it fell to 35 percent, and during the week that begins it could be only 20 percent.

“Everyone knows that Oaxaca is in orange and tourism, when making an analysis of where to go, avoids places that are in red or, as in our case, in orange. In effect, it drives away tourist this traffic light, we are in a disappointing increase in COVID-19 ”, he stressed.

The saturation of the hospitals – he stressed – is also affecting that tourism does not want to travel to Oaxaca, as it increases the feeling of risk. Currently, 19 hospitals are at one hundred percent capacity.

“We see saturated hospitals, others at 70 percent. It is worrying because we see that the citizens themselves do not take care of themselves, we continue not to adopt the protocols in the streets well and the ambulance in the Historic Center also impacts us, “he said.

The hotel entrepreneur indicated that even though it could be a good measure to request proof of vaccination in the entity, this must be well analyzed because it could discourage the arrival of visitors.

“It would scare away visitors because what they are looking for are destinations where they can enter directly. At the national level, not all states are requesting it, it is being handled as a matter of freedom and not of obligation ”, he stressed.

“We see that the citizens themselves do not take care of themselves, we continue not to adopt the protocols well in the streets and the ambulance in the Historic Center also impacts us.”

 José Rivera Espino, President of the AMHM.


40% average

35% in the past week

20% is estimated this week


The Oaxaca Post