Learn about the Magical Towns of Oaxaca, a place close to heaven


The religious fervor, beautiful beaches, and charming towns are hidden among the mountains are part of the tourist offer of the state.

Culture, nature, and traditions mix in the Magical Towns of Oaxaca. This beautiful state is widely adored by many national and international travelers, who when walking through its streets and landscapes discover another facet of Mexico.

The destination has a total of six Magical Towns, which offer impressive mountainous landscapes to beautiful beaches where they work for the conservation of different animal species .

To enjoy the state, these are the destinations you can visit.


San Pablo Villa de Mitla

Mitla Oaxaca
Photo: Ronald Woan / Flickr.

Just 46 kilometers from the capital of Oaxaca is a site located in the Central Valleys region, with everything and its landscapes that seem to be upholstered with magueys. There, this emblematic city is discovered, in which the syncretism of indigenous roots and its colonial legacy merge into a population that seems blessed by the gods.

Huautla de Jiménez

The mystical halo that surrounds this town allows it to create an atmosphere of enigmatic charm. The Sierra Mixteca forms a setting that invites meditation among its mountains, rivers, waterfalls and caves that make up a landscape where the smell of cocoa, incense and coffee mixes. Its main attraction is the Cerro de la Adoración , a site considered sacred.


Magical Towns of Oaxaca
Photo: Unsplash.

The Oaxacan coasts are home to this refuge for sea ​​turtles, which year after year come to its beaches to spawn. This picturesque town has beautiful architecture and beaches ideal for diving and snorkeling. The main avenue is the meeting point to learn about history, culture, and traditions in an atmosphere of peace and joy. 

Capulálpam de Méndez

In the central square stands the parish of San Mateo, which suspiciously guards this Magic Town surrounded by the mountains of the Sierra Norte. The artisan heritage of the place allows some of the most impressive traditional textiles to be made there, which involve complex work. The most adventurous can go deep into its forests and walk among ancient junipers.


San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula

Magical Towns Oaxaca
Photo: David Cabrera / Flickr.

The cloud sky shelters this population of Mixtec origin. An immense 16th-century Dominican convent steals the limelight from its cobbled streets that bring back colonial times as a souvenir. Its natural attractions include: El peñasco, Los Tres Arbolitos, El Fortín and La Peña de León, as well as Buena Vista.


At the end of 2020, it was recognized as a Magic Town. There is the sanctuary of the Immaculate Virgin of Juquila, to which thousands of pilgrims arrive every year. For this reason, the religious fervor is felt strongly in the middle of the steep mountains that shelter the enigmatic destination.

These six Magical Towns make up, along with their gastronomy, the greatest legacy that Oaxaca offers to visitors.

Nombran a Santa Catarina Juquila como nuevo Pueblo Mágico de Oaxaca |

Learn more about Oaxaca Pueblo Magicos click here

The Oaxaca Post