Coronavirus, December 1: all cases and deaths reported in Mexico update


Coronavirus today: latest news and contagion count at the moment

2020 enters its final month and the Covid-19 coronavirus does not stop. This Tuesday, December 1, Mexico registers 1 million 113 thousand 543 cases and 105,940 deaths from a disease that has forced the world to change “normality.”

While science is searching for an efficient vaccine, cases in the world grow worryingly. In Mexico, the situation has set off alarms at the World Health Organization (WHO), where they maintain that the impact of the virus is severe:

“The situation in Mexico is very worrying. The numbers show that the country is in a bad situation. When cases and deaths rise it is a very serious problem and we would ask Mexico to be serious. We hope that all leaders will set an example,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, CEO of the Organization.

Official coronavirus figures in Mexico as of December 1, 2020

Confirmed cases: 1,122,362

Cases registered in the last 24 hours: 8,819

Confirmed deaths: 106,765

Deaths registered in the last 24 hours: 825

Negative cases: 1,369,285

People recovered: 829,817

Nationwide, 61% of general hospital beds are available and 39% occupied. In beds with ventilators, 68% are available and 32% are occupied.

Map of the coronavirus in Mexico by state

mexico coronavirus map dec 1

Positive cases of coronavirus in Mexico by state (as of December 1)

  1. Mexico City 207,699
  2. State of Mexico 111,699
  3. Nuevo Leon 67,344
  4. Guanajuato 62,552
  5. Sonora 43,459
  6. Coahuila 41,948
  7. Jalisco 41,266
  8. Puebla 39,902
  9. Veracruz 39,849
  10. Tabasco 37,305
  11. Tamaulipas 35,581
  12. San Luis Potosí 34,689
  13. Chihuahua 30,098
  14. Michoacan 29,496
  15. Baja California 26,877
  16. Sinaloa 24,486
  17. Oaxaca 24,382
  18. Yucatan 23,983
  19. Warrior 23,811
  20. Queretaro 21,885
  21. Durango 21,208
  22. Hidalgo 19,168
  23. Zacatecas 16,818
  24. Baja California Sur 14,504
  25. Quintana Roo 14,453
  26. Aguascalientes 13,850
  27. Tlaxcala 9,420
  28. Morelos 7,861
  29. Chiapas 7,750
  30. Colima 7,207
  31. Nayarit 7,192
  32. Campeche 6,801
Coronavirus. Casos en México por estado, mapa al 1 de diciembre

The Undersecretary of Health announces that the guidelines on the Covid-19 vaccine are already in place

The Covid-19 pandemic is still very present in Mexico, that is why the vaccine for this new terrible disease is eagerly awaited. This Tuesday at the afternoon conference, the Undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, announced that the national vaccination policy against the coronavirus is ready.

“We are close to formally announcing the national vaccination policy against SARS-CoV-2. We had a preliminary plan dated September 14 and we have a final version, dated November 17,” Gatell said.

He assured that it is very good news against this disease: “It is good news because it means that we are moving forward. We already have this technical guideline, the idea of ​​prevailing human well-being, having equal treatment and achieving equity regarding access to vaccines “.

He concluded by saying all the guidelines that they will have when this vaccine arrives in the country: “It also considers important aspects of pharmacovigilance and evaluation of population effectiveness. We are going to do it publicly soon; it is important that they know that we are doing well.”


Mexico Daily Post