AT&T and Tec de Monterrey launch public entrepreneurship initiative


The objective of “30 SecondsXMéxico” is to create inclusive cities through projects that use technology as a basis to generate social impact. Those interested may submit their proposal no later than February 12, 2021.

AT&T México, through the AT&T Foundry, joins with the Entrepreneurship and Transformation Laboratory (LET) of Tecnológico de Monterrey, to launch “30 SecondsXMéxico”, a public entrepreneurship initiative that seeks the best projects that are willing to create inclusive cities that the country needs.

The phone company said that the best 15 proposals will have the opportunity to be part of the LET Bootcamp, a program specially designed for 30 SecondsXMéxico and that will be taught by the Entrepreneurship and Transformation Laboratory (LET) of the Tecnológico de Monterrey and its network of experts in public entrepreneurship, technological development, applied and prospective research.

The initiative consists in that those interested must form a team composed of two or three people, design a proposal that incorporates technology as a basis to generate a social impact that contributes to the construction of inclusive cities, record their idea in a video and upload it to the website of the call no later than February 12, 2021.

AT&T reported that the proposals will be reviewed, evaluated, and selected by a group of experts that will make up the multidisciplinary selection committee, made up of entrepreneurs, authorities, and academics from Tecnológico de Monterrey, as well as innovation experts from AT&T Mexico.

At the end of the program, participants will present their projects in a selection panel made up of members of the multidisciplinary selection committee. The two proposals that are selected will receive mentoring from the innovation experts of the AT&T Foundry and AT&T Labmx to land their solution in a minimum viable product that, in alliance with AT&T, can be presented to potential clients and investors in a Demo Day.

AT&T mentioned that the intention of the initiative is to develop inclusive cities, which implies taking into account multiple spatial, social, and economic factors in the search to improve living conditions for people, regardless of their economic means, gender, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual identity, immigration status or religion.

In addition, the proposals must guarantee the reduction of poverty, democratize access to culture, promote equipment in public spaces accessible to all, and guarantee access to a decent and sustainable habitat, among other things.

For more information, visit the call website:


Monterrey Daily Post