Accoding to IMCO Oaxaca de Juárez and Tehuantepec, with the best economic activity in the state


Places 41 and 65, in Magda measurement

Oaxaca de Juárez, number 41, and Santo Domingo Tehuantepec, number 65, are the only Oaxacan cities with the highest economic activity registered in the Measurement of Economic Activity with Big Data (Magda), prepared by the Mexican Institute for Civil Association Competitiveness (Imco).

The document cites that in Mexico cities are the engine of economic growth in the country, eight out of 10 Mexicans live in an urban area, and the 73 most important cities in the country account for 73 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

For this reason, it is vital to have timely economic performance indicators that allow local authorities and residents to make decisions with updated information.

He adds that for this reason, Imco created the Measurement of Economic Activity with Big Data (Magda), which through the processing of night-time satellite photos, transforms the measurement of luminosity into an indicator of economic activity by locality.

This information is complemented with transactional information from ATMs from the National Securities Banking Commission (CNVB) in order to estimate the evolution of economic activity by metropolitan area.

Transparent indicator

It states that the result of the measurement is expressed in units comparable to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross Domestic Product by State (PIBE) calculated by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).

It is a transparent indicator, generated by society and built with great speed and opportunity, it produces large and living databases (big data).

In addition, the inputs do not depend on government information and allow replicating the process, making modifications for their own use or even proposing adjustments to the methodology (open source).

It stands out that the cities with the highest economic activity in 2019 are: Metropolitan Area of ​​the Valley of Mexico (ZMVM), Monterrey, Guadalajara, Puebla, and La Laguna.

While the cities with the lowest economic activity in 2019 are: Delicias, Zamora, Parral, Tecomán, Ciudad Fernández, Teziutlán, Moroleón, Ocotlán, Acayucan and Tianguistenco.


The Oaxaca Post