The AMLO statement that changed Mexico’s fate in the face of the pandemic for the worse


Until July 29, Mexico registered a total of 45,361 deaths and 408,449 positive cases of COVID-19. And it seems that the situation will not improve in the short term, which is why, on social networks, many users have begun to question government strategies.

During the pandemic, one of the great discussions has revolved around the use of face masks, especially since President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has refused to use it in public events.

On this topic, Twitter user @vampipe, known for being a harsh critic of the so-called Fourth Transformation, shared a video in which AMLO positions himself against the masks: “The statement of February 11 that condemned us: ‘We are not going to make the mistake that was made in the government (of Calderón) Do you remember that they put us all (face masks)? ‘ 12 seconds that decided the course of the pandemic. 19 words that the arrogance did not allow to reconsider ”.

The declaration of February 11 that condemned us:

“We are not going to make the mistake that was made in the [Calderón] government. Do you remember that they put us all [face masks]?”

12 seconds that decided the course of the pandemic

19 words that pride did not allow to reconsider– vampipe ⍨ (@vampipe) 

July 29, 2020

Another user, @ danieljss0 also shared a clip from that same February 11 where Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, the Undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, pointed out that the coronavirus was not dangerous.

“The new coronavirus, behaves like a moderate to low severity respiratory disease, is milder than seasonal influenza. The new coronavirus has gained a lot of notoriety because it is a recent disease, but the proportion of deaths is similar or less than influenza, specialized hospitals are not needed, “Gatell said on that occasion.  

When they underestimated the coronavirus– DJSS (@ danieljss0) 

July 29, 2020

Almost all the reactions to the publication of @vampipe were to point out the consequences of what the president said that day.

And a few months later:
– 44,876 confirmed deaths.
– 402 thousand 697 confirmed accumulated cases.
– 49 thousand 678 estimated assets (11 percent).
– 87 thousand 538 cases classified as suspects.- Jesús BM (@jesusbarronm) 

July 29, 2020

So out of foolishness and stubbornness I condemn an ​​entire country to suffer the onslaught of both health, number of lives lost, and economic crisis of the pandemic. That has to be punished sooner or later. One should not play like this with the destiny of Mexicans.- Padrax Association (@AsocdPadres) 

July 29, 2020

Regarding the position of the use of the mask, the Mexican government has not changed it. On July 28, during the afternoon conference, Hugo López-Gatell mentioned: “Use your face mask. It is an auxiliary measure that complements hand washing, soap and water preferred to alcohol gel; the healthy distance; protecting the sneeze with the angle of the elbow, staying home when you are with symptoms “

But he added: “We are not going to make it a compulsory measure from the Government, that does not mean that we do not recommend it, but we consider that society is made up of mature, conscious people, who can make favorable decisions not only for their own health but to the health of other people. The face mask is a measure of protection of others, not of oneself, because it is not a protective barrier. “

Despite the position of the federal government, in Aguascalientes, Colima, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Michoacán, Coahuila, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Chihuahua, San Luis Potosí and Durango, the use of the mouth mask is mandatory, as in some municipalities of Quintana Roo and in Toluca, from the State of Mexico. In Mexico City there are no sanctions for not using it, but the head of government encourages its use and in fact shows herself in public with her face mask on to set an example for the inhabitants of the capital.


The Mazatlan Post