7.1 earthquake hits Oaxaca report of nearby state feeling the tremors


They registered a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1, located 12 km southeast of Crucecita,  Oaxaca, in Puebla, Mexico City, Chilpancingo, Acapulco, Morelia was noticeable, SkyAlertMx reported.

On the morning of June 23,  in Puebla, the General Directorate of Civil Protection reported that the  State Civil Protection System was activated for review by the entity.

He also reported that the CGPC in conjunction with the municipal units of Civil Protection carry out inspection tours for the earthquake of magnitude southeast of preliminary  7.1 Crucecita Oaxaca.

SASMEX registered an earthquake that was evaluated and confirmed by sensors near its epicenter. The estimate of its effects is from a strong earthquake. The closest station to the epicenter that detected the earthquake is number 42210 Tangolunda, located 106 km west southwest of Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, 136 km west southwest of Juchitan, Oaxaca.

The Cities where the threat was automatically alerted of its effects and the approximate anticipation time are shown in the table.

CityAlertAlert timeDistanceAnticipation
PueblaPublic10:29:20427 Km107 sec
Mexico CityPublic10:29:19517 Km129 sec
ChilpancingoPublic10:29:19412 Km103 sec
AcapulcoPublic10:29:19424 Km106 sec
OaxacaPublic10:29:19157 Km39 sec
MoreliaPublic10:29:19695 Km174 sec
Colima895 Km
Guadalajara937 Km

At the moment, no material damage has been reported in Puebla or Oaxaca, authorities are expected to issue more details.

Source: earthquaketrack.com

The Mazatlan Post