OAXACA.- The five cemeteries of the city of Oaxaca de Juárez will remain closed due to the health emergency or until it is decided to lift the National quarantine.
Therefore, for this May 10, when people usually visit the cemeteries, the city of Oaxaca de Juárez city council confirmed through its spokesperson, Helder Palacios, that there is no possibility that municipal cemeteries will be opened for the date.
Every year, thousands of Oaxacans, go to the General cemetery, Ex Marquesado, San Miguel, Garden Pantheon and the one in Xochimilco to decorate the tombstones of their relatives, bring flowers and even serenade.
This 2020 the cemeteries will be closed to the public to avoid the concentration of people that means a risk of Coronavirus infections.
Tequios, which are carried out year after year to contribute to the cleaning of spaces, were also suspended, especially at this time that coincides with the proliferation of the dengue-borne mosquito.
In Oaxaca, the 2017 earthquakes were also closed to the public during their remodeling process.
And it is that so far it is the City of Oaxaca that prevails with the highest number of positive infections since the emergency began, a total of 28 accumulated cases.
Saturated Cemeteries
In addition, municipal cemeteries record saturation, so burying a person can become an odyssey.
Official data shows that there are 21,850 graves in the five cemeteries, of which 11,000 are concentrated in the General and San Miguel cemeteries, 8,500 in the Garden Pantheon, 1,500 in the Exmarquesado and 850 in the Xochimilco cemetery.
In these municipal cemeteries, there can be up to six dead in each grave.
Oaxaca’s Dia de Los Muertos celebrations scheduled for October
The evening of the dead is a deeply rooted tradition in Oaxaca and Mexico. The activities begin at nightfall on October 31, when families begin to reach the main pantheons of the city to keep this tradition alive around those who have passed us.
Panteon General
In this pantheon, the main one of the city of Oaxaca, also known as San Miguel, famous Oaxacan characters are buried and it is visited by a large number of tourists. Since the atmosphere that exists within it is festive and the flowers of marigold and cockscomb adorn the graves and corridors illuminated by candles and candles. The illuminated niches of this pantheon are a postcard worthy of what the celebration of the Day of the Dead in Oaxaca means. When leaving the pantheon, some can enjoy a delicious dinner of Oaxacan snacks on the outskirts of the churchyard.
Panteones de Xoxocotlán
On the morning of October 31, the residents with relatives in these pantheons come to clean the graves of their deceased, so that at nightfall, they can carry out the traditional evening and “live” with their dead while they transit the earthly world. The evening ends at 4 or 5 in the morning. In the center of the town you can still see the ruins of the chapel of San Sebastián, in what was the first pantheon in Xoxo, which was built in the 16th century.
San Antonino Castillo Velasco
During the days of the dead in the cemetery of this town, it is tradition to hold a tomb decoration contest with various flowers grown in the region, an activity that was rescued by a group of artisans since 2001 to preserve the traditions of the town. In addition, there is also a contest for cockscomb flowers, also known as tassels, in which the farmer chooses his best flower, which will be qualified by a special jury for the occasion.
Santa Maria Atzompa
The inhabitants of this population come to watch over their deceased since October 31, since they have the belief that on that date the “Angelitos” (deceased children) arrive, during that night the entire pantheon is decorated with candles and flowers; At the foot of the tombs, families coexist waiting for the dawn of the first day, the date on which they return to their homes to receive visits.
Panteon of Mitla
Mitla is located in the Central Valleys, 44 kilometers from the Oaxacan capital and is known for its ancient ceremonial center whose meaning in Nahuatl is “Place of the Dead”, which is why this celebration takes on a special meaning for its residents who they go to the pantheons to the evening of their dead. In addition, the population is an epicenter of cultural and gastronomic celebrations in these “Todos Santos” dates.
Source: ororadio.com.mx, exploraoaxaca.mx, oaxaca.quadratin.com.mx
The Mazatlan Post