Without fanfare, Oaxaca de Juárez celebrates its 488th anniversary


OAXACA, Oax. April 25, 2020.- In the midst of the health emergency and without any kind of celebration, the city of Oaxaca de Juárez celebrated this Saturday, April 25, its 488th anniversary of having been elevated to the rank of city, a title granted in 1932 by King Carlos V of Spain.

This Saturday, the bell tower of the Metropolitan Cathedral was not heard ringing, nor the traditional mornings like every year, there was no crowding of people in the Alameda de León or the Zócalo, the city only wore its natural beauty.

Photo. Alfonso Galindo

The deserted streets, the empty public squares, and the closed commerce allowed to glimpse a clean, warm city and without more company than the birds that descended to the esplanades.

The city awaits the return of normalcy to the streets when, after the health emergency is lifted, white flags can be raised as a sign that in Mexico the pandemic has been defeated.

In the book, Oaxaca in the Centennial of National Independence, obtaining the title of the city represents the fifth foundation of the former Villa Antequera and was circumscribed during the return of Hernán Cortés to Mexico, who became Marqués del Valle de Antequera.

That same bibliographical text indicates that it is very likely that the ceremony of conversion into a noblest city, took place on July 7, 1532, since during the three centuries of the viceroyalty, the civil authorities celebrated that day as that of the anniversary.

Historical data indicates that the first foundation of Oaxaca occurred in 1486, with the installation of a detachment of Aztec soldiers, named Huaxyacac ​​- which means, in Nahuatl, “on the hill of the hiages” – which, Ahuiltzolt, Emperor of Mexico, He ordered the Zapotec king Cosijoeza, sovereign of Zaachila, to be placed on the banks of the Atoyac, to control and monitor him.

In the book Las Calles de Oaxaca, he details that the second foundation of Oaxaca, like Huaxyacac, took place on December 25, 1521, when the Spanish expedition group, sent by Hernán Cortés, occupied the land of the then Barrio de Santa Anita.

The third foundation of what we know today as the city of Oaxaca took place on September 14, 1526, when King Carlos V of Spain, decreed by means of a Royal Decree, the foundation of Huaxyacac, as Villa, however, it did not have effect, since before being received, Cortés had to disapprove it.

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Photo: Alfonso Galindo

On July 13, 1529, the neighborhood was founded for the fourth time with the name of Villa de Antequera de Guaxaca, before the faith of His Majesty’s scribe, King Carlos V and Juan Peláez de Berrio, appointed first Mayor and Lieutenant of Captain-General of the Villa.

After the elevation to the rank of City to Oaxaca, granted by King Carlos V in 1532, the monarch ennobled the always beautiful Verde Antequera with an elliptical coat of arms, with a golden lion wearing a blue imperial crown surrounded by eight metal blades, whose symbols highlight protection, wealth and well-being.

Oaxacan singers perform the traditional mornings to the City of #Oaxaca de Juárez for its 488 anniversary of elevation to the rank of city, which is celebrated this April 25

By decree number 4 of October 10, 1872, signed by the then Constitutional Governor, Miguel Castro, the city received the name of Oaxaca de Juárez, which honors the patricio, Don Benito Juárez García.

Lic Alfonso Galindo

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Source: oaxaca.gob.mx, tlaxcala.quadratin.com.mx

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