Merida Yucatan is placed among the 10 most expensive cities in Mexico


Buying the basic basket of food in the Yucatan capital in January was much more expensive than doing it in cities like Monterrey, Guadalajara or Mexico City

Resultado de imagen de Se coloca Mérida entre las 10 ciudades más caras del país

MÉRIDA Yucatan.- According to the National Institute of Geography and Statistics ( Inegi) , Mérida is placed among the 10 most expensive cities in the country to live.

In the first month of the year the city of Merida became one of the 10 most expensive capitals in the country to reach an annualized inflation of 3.7 percent, above the national average that marked an index of 3.2 percent, so buy the basic basket in the Yucatan capital was much more expensive than in cities like Monterrey, Guadalajara, Culiacán, Durango or Mexico City itself.

Resultado de imagen de canadienses en merida

The Inegi reported that during the month of January of this year National Consumer Price Index (INPC) registered a monthly increase of 0.48 percent, as well as annual inflation of 3.2 percent.

Resultado de imagen de going out to eat in merida

However, inflation registered last January of 3.7 percent was lower than that recorded in 2018 in which an index of 4.8 percent was registered, almost a percentage point lower.

With rising inflation, the capital of Yucatan was placed well above cities such as Guadalajara that registered 3.6 percent inflation, Mexico City with 3.2 percent and Monterrey 3.1 percent.

Resultado de imagen de Se coloca Mérida entre las 10 ciudades más caras del país

At the Yucatan Peninsula and southeast region, with its 3.7 percent Merida was placed above Campeche with its 3.6 percent, Tuxtla with 3.2 percent and Veracruz with 2.9 percent, but well below Cancun that achieved 4.2 percent.

Product by product prices

The federal agency said that among the products in the basic basket that rose most in price in January are: tomato (18.5 percent), cigarettes (8.7 percent), green tomato (30.5 percent), zucchini (39.6 percent) , and corn tortilla (1.2 percent).

In contrast, air transport, packaged tourist services, LP gas, chicken, lemon and egg, among others, fell in price.

Meanwhile, the behavior in the first month of 2020 of the sub-indices that make up the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purposes (CCIF), were the products with the highest increase.

Resultado de imagen de muebles para el hogar y artículos para conservación del hogar

The increase in food and beverages was 4.3 percent, clothing, footwear and clothing 1.3 percent, home furnishings and household items 3.9 percent, health 4.9 percent, recreation 3 percent, education 4.6 percent, 5 percent restaurants and services in general 3.8 percent.

Resultado de imagen de going out to eat in merida

The Inegi reported that at the beginning of the year the increase in the cost of electricity, and products of the basic basket triggered the inflation rate at the regional level.


The Mazatlan Post