This is the cosmopolitan life in Mexico


The inhabitants of the big cities of the world are choosing to live in mixed-use buildings, to find in one place a lifetime.

The rapid growth of urban areas that agglutinate high groups of people in one place, has led architecture and construction specialists to think of creative solutions where they can include in the same space residential, commercial, office and even building buildings green areas.

The big cities, although millions of people define them as big jungles, the reality is that they are completely modifying their social behavior from the way they present the housing models. Many, mostly those with the highest quality of life, have been configured to live in compact and intelligent societies, that is, despite the long kilometers that make them up, the social groups live in a small sector where they can all reach the services that your lifestyle requires: work, food, health, shopping, fun, sports, recreation, and culture.

The mixed-use spaces allow cities to integrate the different aspects of a citizen’s daily life such as work, home, shops, and recreation areas.

These areas of mixed-use are not really a novelty but quite the opposite, it is not necessary to investigate in-depth to remember that historically man has decided to find in one place all the facilities of his routine life, of course, example are the market places of Ancient Rome, where shops, houses, offices, and libraries lived together in a single space.

Although the industrial revolution and the excessive use of the automobile, led western societies during the third quarter of the last century to separate the workspaces with those of family life, now the urban planners return to pay attention to mixed uses, it is To say that high-density urban projects become fashionable again.

Achieving the necessary services and products of the routine life of city dwellers just a few steps from your home and office, allows the reduction of car use, one of the trends of greater bet on the mentality of millennials and even the generation X: “A city with less pollution reduces endless health problems.”

With a more detailed style, implementing technology and respecting nature, buildings currently seek to combine uses such as residential, commercial, recreational, among others.

In the region, a developer who has paid full attention to lifestyle trends not only from Mexico but from the world, GM Capital, has stood out. One of its most attractive current projects is Armida District, a space that will be on everyone’s lips for its impressive urban design, architecture, and construction. In a single space, social, work, family and cultural life will be combined, intertwining the modernity and security of those who share their life in the community. Space will have 9 towers, hundreds of departments, commercial spaces, restaurants, entertainment areas, offices and even a plan to have 2 executive class hotels.

The buildings can go from vertical to horizontal, those that stand out for their height with several floors, combine apartment areas on the upper levels, while at street level they offer shops and in a subway, they assign parking spaces. For those that are horizontal, they are distributed in one or several buildings of one or two pairs of high floors, sharing central courtyards or open areas between buildings that connect as if it were a microcosm.

The mixed-use spaces have very characteristic elements that must be taken into account when choosing a property, among them we recommend taking into account the following:

– Intelligent architecture
– Energy and sustainable efficiency
– Adequate integration of urban services and access to public transport
– Commercial areas
– Control of accesses that generate security
– Easy to use access and elevators for multi-story buildings

The big cities of the world like New York, Paris, London, Madrid, CDMX and Monterrey, have opted for this type of urbanization, cosmopolitan lifestyles have led us to opt for these spaces, reason to be close to the experts and be assured that architectural, urban and construction intelligence will provide the security of being in the right place.

If you want to know more about options visit Armida District .


The Mazatlan Post

The Reserve at Celestun Yucatan