“Noche de Rábanos”: date, time and cost to access this Christmas festivity in Oaxaca


The iconic Oaxacan contest will take place, like every year, on December 23 in the Zócalo of the city of Oaxaca

One of the most important and distinctive festivities in Oaxaca is the traditional “Noche de Rábanos”, which in 2023 will celebrate 126 years since it was first held (December 23, 1897), thus reinforcing the tradition of building works of art from radishes and present them on December 23 before thousands of tourists and curious people who gather in the Zócalo of the state capital.

And of course, this year will be no exception. Thus, this week the official presentation of the iconic December holiday was held during a press conference held in Mexico City, where the Secretary of Tourism Development of the municipality of Oaxaca de Juárez, Ángel Norberto Osorio, announced the details of the contest started in 1897.

What is the origin of the “Noche de Rábanos” in Oaxaca?

Just that year, almost closing the 19th century, merchants were greatly attracted by the fact that merchants at a food fair made figures with radishes during the Christmas celebrations, with the aim of attracting the attention of potential customers.

“The gardeners decorated their stalls with vegetables, with radishes. It began to attract attention and became so popular and successful that on December 15, 1897, Francisco Vasconcelos, municipal president of Oaxaca at that time, made it possible for this contest to take place,” Osorio explained to the press.

From then to date, the festival has grown in size, attracting local and international tourism with more sophisticated techniques and figures. Although the areas where there were farms were consumed by the urban sprawl, radishes are planted in another area of the Valley of Oaxaca during the months of September, October and November, so that there are radishes of different sizes for the contest.

How Oaxaca prepares to celebrate the “Night of Radishes”

During the “Night of Radishes” 100 exhibitors present themselves over the course of the day on December 23. It should be noted that on the 19th of this month the radishes are delivered to the participants and in three days they have to have their works ready.

In addition to the traditional and radish-free categories, there is another one with immortal flower and the last one with totomoxtle (corn leaf). There are also three categories of figures and works made with radish for minors. Ángel Norberto Osorio reported that for 2023 the investment by the city council is 1.1 million pesos and between 10,000 and 12,000 people are expected to attend.

Date, time and cost to enter the “Noche de Rábanos”

For all those people who wish to attend the 126th edition of this famous “Raddish Night” they must consider that to enter the exhibition area they will have to wait in line for a few minutes (depending on the influx of visitors) at the entrances to the area located in the Zócalo of the City of Oaxaca.

There is no cost to enter to the point where the figures made with radish will be displayed, so all that is required is patience to reach access and take the necessary time forecasts, since as the hours go by the influx of people increases exponentially.

 Source: El Heraldo de Mexico