Oaxaca Real Estate Cartel Exposed


The Oaxaca Prosecutor’s Office reported that it obtained the link to the process of a man who seized a property located in San Felipe del Agua, in the state capital.

OAXACA.– After the modus operandi of the “Cartel del Despojo” in Oaxaca was revealed, which has been linked to the murders of a magistrate, a PAN candidate and an electoral financial operator, he was arrested and linked to a trial ARM (Mendiola) C., probably responsible for the crime of dispossession by seizing a property located in San Felipe del Agua in this capital.

In a statement, the Oaxaca Attorney General’s Office highlighted that it obtained an order linking the process against ARMC, probably responsible for the crime of dispossession to the detriment of GOS’s property, committed in the City of Oaxaca de Juárez, in the Valles Centrales region.

According to investigation file 8343/FVCE/OAXACA/2022, the defendant probably tried to violently seize a property located in the San Felipe del Agua Agency in the Oaxacan capital.

As a result of the victim’s complaint, the Prosecutor’s Office intervened and initiated the corresponding investigations through the Directorate of Preliminary Inquiries and Processes, which managed to establish the probable participation of the accused who was executed an arrest warrant.

After the arrest, ARMC was presented before the judge who required it, who decided to link him to the process, imposing precautionary measures and granting four months to close the complementary investigation.

On September 15, the Undersecretary of Federal Public Security, Ricardo Mejía Berdeja, revealed the way in which the dispossession of real estate is carried out in Oaxaca, where “criminal groups, managers or leaders are part of this operation to dispossess real estate, who, in collusion with public servants, they carry out crimes such as physical violence, extortion, threats and even death in order to seize said property.”

According to the Oaxaca Prosecutor’s Office, a total of 1,467 investigation folders have been integrated from March 2021 to July 2022, of which 213 dispossession folders are related to the falsification of notarial instruments.

Even, he added, some homicides such as the cases of the candidate for the municipal presidency of Ocotlán de Morelos, Ivonne Gallegos Carreño; the magistrate of the Court of Administrative Justice, Enrique Pacheco Martínez and the doctor Carlos Eduardo López Martínez, who was the operator of the elected governor, Salomón Jara Cruz and executed in Juchitán de Zaragoza, “have indications of dispossession of property.”

one of the cases

The Redacción portal mentioned that A. Mendiola and her family have investigation folders of at least seven families in the Costa region, among which it cited the case of Adriana Ricárdez Hofmann, who shared her testimony and reviewed what that lived:

“It all started in 2008, with the visit of the Mendiola Cottiers and a lawyer who represented them, to the office of the Communal Assets Commissariat of San Pedro Pochutla, Oaxaca, arguing that they owned a property in Playa Panteón that was actually from my family over 40 years ago.

“The Mendiolas claimed not to have any original documents, more than a supposed proof of their father and only notarized copies (this is their modus operandi, they certify manipulated copies with notaries because the original documents do not exist).

“We present all the documentation that proves our peaceful and continuous possession, for more than 40 years, which was supported by all our neighbors and the community.

“Months later, his lawyer appeared with a group of armed people. They brought with them metal mesh and posts, pretending to enclose the property, threatening my mother and father with small arms, clubs and machetes, including 2 of them armed with goat horns, who, without accepting to show their identification, claimed to belong to the State Ministerial Police. Of which we have photographs.

“Noticing that something very bad was happening, all the residents of the Playa Panteón neighborhood reacted and immediately arrived to arrest them, as did the representative of the Puerto Ángel Agency. Having the presence of the Municipal Agent and already surrounded, these people were told to withdraw and leave the sole and legitimate owners of said property in peace.

“In the following days, the Mendiola Cottiers, using the same apocryphal documents, file another lawsuit over Acapulquillo, a neighboring bay, intending to dispossess six other families of their land and homes, for which a meeting is called at the Municipal Agency, where the president of the Commissariat in turn, Jesús Reyes, at that moment tells them that their documents are false and are not recognized by said administration.”

Source: proceso.com.mx

The Oaxaca Post