Mexican passport issuance is suspended


Mexico City.- The Ministry of Foreign Relations (SRE) this Thursday, through a statement reported that as of Saturday, December 19, it will suspend the issuance of passports in the country’s capital, due to the health emergency caused by COVID- 19.

“The objective is to safeguard the well-being of both users and public servants in our delegations. The e-mail address [email protected] is available to the public for the sole attention of accredited emergencies for health, academic, work or family reunification reasons, ”SER said in its statement.

The Foreign Ministry regrets the inconvenience caused by the temporary suspension of its activities. However, it reiterates its broad willingness to offer the best service to citizens, in accordance with the provisions of the health authorities.

He also reported that he will resume this process until the health provisions of the capital government consider it pertinent.

He exhorted the population not to fall into fraud, for which he recommended not to make payments or deposits to personal accounts, as well as in convenience stores to obtain an alleged appointment to carry out their passport process.


Mexico Daily Post