Mexicans create face masks with jamaica and zeolite extract that gives protection of more than 95%


At the Autonomous University of Hidalgo, he has created a face mask with zeolite and jamaica extract to deal with COVID-19 infections and can retain between 96% and 98% of particles, respectively.

Mexican scientists work on a series of facemask that adheres to the NOM applied by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare for the development of these devices, which are expected to enter into distribution in the local market during July 2020.

These mouth masks would be disposable, however, a series of materials available in the country that are efficient for the retention of fluids such as saliva would be used in their production.

“We have designed different prototypes in 3D printers, what we are looking for is to have a final model that can be produced on a large scale, however, the novelty of the proposal is the filter based on a filter material that has not been used in masks,” he declared. In an interview with Javier Castro Rojas, one of the doctors involved in the manufacture of face masks.

Zeolite and Jamaica have a microbial capacity that increases the retention capacity of particles, being able to control between 96% and 98% of these, highly effective protection for health personnel.

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The final model consists of two parts; one of them with a thread where the second part of the prototype is placed and an interchangeable cylindrical filter composed of two layers of filter paper and an intermediate one of zeolite with jamaica.

This makes the face mask comfortable and light to carry them all day, however, due to their size it would make communication between those who use it a bit difficult.

The cost of these face mask pieces would reach an approximate amount of 100 pesos and each filter between eight and three pesos, but these figures will depend on the large-scale production that is handled


The Mazatlan Post