Video: “Cabo Strong” list of charities during COVID-19 crisis


As everyone who loves Los Cabos knows, Los Cabos is a wonderful tourist destination. As a result of the current lockdown, all nonessential business is closed. Our resorts, marinas, and most businesses are complying. The beaches are empty as are the streets. Those of us living here are a close-knit community that has been through major hurricanes and floods. We always pull together and help each other in these times of need.

While we are not receiving any tourists during this time our efforts are focussed on helping the newly unemployed to feed their families. In addition, we are being proactive during this stay at home crisis. The resorts are being brightly maintained. The highways are being beautified. And ordinary citizens are pitching in to keep Cabo Strong.

However, the road to recovery may be long. Every day we are seeing the news and timelines changing. Once we can start receiving tourists we will be ready. Our amazing Los Cabos has never looked better.

For those of you that can help us out please do. Any size donation is welcome. Here are three wonderful and reputable charities for you to consider a cash donation or if you are already here in Cabo donating food and clothing.

Amigos De Los Ninos has over 25 years of non-governmental charitable work for the children of Los Cabos. Providing Quality Medical Care to Children; Calle Arrecife Mza. 37 Lote 3, Fraccionamiento Aurora. Ph: (624) 144-3195, 144-3495; Fax: (624) 105-0005. [email protected]

Casa Hogar de Cabo San Lucas A.C., a Mexican registered non-profit, charitable organization, is a Social Assistance Center (children’s home). Opened in 2008, Casa Hogar is a comfortable, safe and happy home for kids and teens Address: Calle Playas s/n entre playa del Amor y playa el Medano Col. Cerro de Los Venados Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S. 23473 Phone: 6241911897 Email: [email protected]

The Los Cabos Children’s Foundation provides medical, educational, and humanitarian assistance to the children, their families, and the supportive organizations of the Los Cabos area. LCCF is a non-profit organization dedicated to the health of the children of Los Cabos and all Southern Baja.; Mex. Ph. (624) 144-3195. U.S. Ph. (605) 275-6305. [email protected];

Liga M.A.C., A.C It is a registered Mexican charitable organization. They are made up of Mexican, American and Canadian members. They organize fundraising events in order to assist members of the San Jose del Cabo community. “Mano con mano” is a helping hand offered to a hand in need. Liga M.A.C., A.C., Centro de Apoyo Liga MAC; Ph. (624) 120-1060. Fax: (624) 120-1070.; [email protected].

Cruz Roja Mexicana Cabo San Lucas Mexican Red Cross – Cruz Roja Mexicana is the 24-hour emergency, rescue and ambulance service for all of México and is not funded by the government. Since our services are free of charge to anyone in need, we exist solely by donations. Cabo San Lucas Highway to Todos Santos, Km 121 Col. Ejidal. Phone. (624) 143-3300,143-7869. San Jose del Cabo – Blvd. Mijares between Valerio Gonzáles & Between Benito Juárez Col. Centro. San Jose del Cabo. Ph. (624) 142-0316, 142-2188.

The Cabo Senior Center is called Club de Abuelos San Miguel or Grandparents Club. Sinai Mota is the director which is open three days a week from 7:30 to 5:00, serving breakfast and lunch.

The Los Cabos Humane Society is a non-profit association committed to a safe, compassionate, and prosperous Los Cabos for all.


The Mazatlan Post