Mexican authorities will decree Phase 3 due to the COVID-19 pandemic; What does that mean for you


As the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López Gatell, had already anticipated, Mexico will reach phase 3 of COVID-19,

This Thursday authorities in Mexico will decree Phase 3 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The phase or scenario 3, as epidemiologists call it, is when there are regional outbreaks that already imply national dispersion of the virus, with cases that number in the thousands. 

What is phase 3 of the COVID-19 epidemic and what measures are taken?

The first case of coronavirus in Mexico was confirmed on February 28; it was a person who returned to the country of Italy.

Until this Wednesday, April 15, the government reported 5,847 positive cases and 449 deaths from COVID-19. Two thousand 125 people have recovered.

What does Phase 3 mean?

Phase 3 is a scenario called “epidemic”.

It contemplates thousands of cases, with regional outbreaks and a possible national dispersion.

There are no kisses or hugs. All events are suspended in open or closed spaces.

In addition, there is the suspension of activities in work centers.


The Ministry of Health recommends adopting the following measures to avoid the spread of respiratory diseases:

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use 70 percent alcohol-based gel.

When coughing or sneezing, use the label sneeze, which involves covering the nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or the inside corner of the arm.
Do not touch your face, nose, mouth, and eyes with dirty hands.

Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects of common use in: houses, offices, closed places, transport, meeting centers, etc.

Stay home when you have respiratory ailments and go to the doctor if any of the symptoms appear (fever higher than 38 ° C, headache, sore throat, runny nose, etc.).

Healthy distance

Protection and care through domiciliary protection, of the elderly and other groups of greater risk.

Suspension of classes throughout the national educational system.

Reprogramming of events of more than 100 people.

Temporarily suspend work activities that involve the mobilization of people in all sectors of society.

Intensify basic prevention measures.

It also issued the following recommendations for coping with the Healthy Distance Day:

Remember that this is a temporary situation.

Recognizing that staying as long as possible at home is good for others and for oneself.

Design and maintain a routine that helps us have a certain sense of normality and control.

Maintain regular meals and sleep schedules.

Not staying too long in front of the TV.

Keep busy and look for manual activities that distract you (tasks, readings, puzzles, exercise, dancing, among others).

What is Coronavirus Phase 3 about and what does it involve?

According to the World Health Organization, this third phase occurs when a disease is present in most of the national territory and the majority of infections are community-based. In other words, they acquire the Coronavirus through contact with another person within the country. These are some of the main measures that could be carried out when this scenario is declared.

  • Emphasis on the provision of social distancing and staying at home.
  • Suspension of public events in open spaces such as squares and parks.
  • Suspension of classes at all school levels.
  • Suspension of activity in all work centers that present active outbreaks of COVID-19.

When will the quarantine in Mexico end?

On March 16, the Ministry of Health began with the National Sana Distancia Day, which indicated a series of measures and recommendations so that the citizens would avoid contagions as much as possible. Subsequently, on March 23, the health authorities extended the term of this day until April 30 , the date indicated where the return to activities would begin sporadically. Although the cases continue to increase, the date remains, since the Federal Government has indicated that its intention is to reduce negative impacts on the national economy as much as possible.

Will Phase 3 enter the entire country at the same time?

Dr. Alejandro Macías Hernández, an infectologist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, recently pointed out in a scientific article that the ideal would be for cities with large population conglomerates, such as the country’s capital, to be the first to implement these measures. “We are a few weeks away from entering this phase with force to establish ourselves, for at least a couple of months before the incidence falls. It will gradually jump to other states in the country, ”said the infection expert. However, this decision will correspond to the Ministry of Health, so we will have to wait for their final determination, which will be announced during one of their next evening conferences to update the national panorama by Coronavirus.


The Mazatlan Post