Alcohol sales in the municipality of Los Cabos will be banned

  • Sanctions of up to 16 thousand pesos for those who fail to comply: Tax Inspection

San José del Cabo.- Starting Monday, the “dry law” or prohibition on the sale of alcoholic beverages in the municipality of Los Cabos will be implemented and until further notice, as confirmed by the Chief of Fiscal Inspection José Manuel Márquez, who said That this measure was announced by Mayor Armida Castro and as of Monday her department will carry out the supervisory tours and apply fines to those who do not comply with this provision.

Confirman en Los Cabos y Comondú Ley Seca! – Colectivo Pericú

“The truth is that if it is the right thing, I believe that if we want to combat what this pandemic has been more now that Easter is coming and following the recommendations of the Health Sector to stay home, this provision is something important, because I think it is the best way to combat this pandemic, “he stressed.

He said that citizens must be made aware of what could affect us if this Covid-19 pandemic could spread, mainly in the municipality that depends on tourism, “

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It revealed that whoever fails to comply with this provision will be subject to fines of one hundred to 200 minimum wages equivalent to 8,600 pesos up to 16,800 pesos, as established by the Alcohol Law.

“We call on merchants to stay on the sidelines this week, which for us is going to be important. Help us in that sense so that they keep alcohol from being sold and put their relevant signs in each of the establishments,” he concluded.



The Mazatlan Post