‘Fraud and corruption’ critics claim on registration of Mexico Libre

Like México Libre… the PES, Nueva Alianza and Elba Esther Gordillo’s party met the requirements in search of their registration.

After the organization of Felipe Calderón and Margarita Zavala” fulfilled” the requirements that would bring him closer to the registry as a political party, social network users criticized this suspicious “triumph” of former panistas.

The comments of the citizens revolve, mainly, in the rejection before the possible formation of this new party.

This after the capture of signatures and the assemblies to which Mexico Libre convened did not have much call but, mysteriously, in a few weeks, it reached the goal set by the National Electoral Institute (INE).

México Libre achieved the affiliation of 239 thousand 513 citizens and has held 231 district assemblies.

The court of January 28 Mexico Libre had 225 thousand 267 affiliates, however, on the 21st of this month, it had only 208 thousand 187 signatories.

In one week, he approached the 233 thousand 945 members who have at least to achieve their registration, with a missing 8 thousand 678 people.

The allusions to the government of Felipe Calderón, the most controversial cases that marked his administration and the accusations with his possible association with organized crime groups were not expected.

Likewise, Progressive Social Networks, linked to Elba Esther Gordillo, registered 21 assemblies, with an advance of 105 percent.

Like the Solidarity Encounter Party, formerly PES, and Grupo Social Promotor de México, formerly New Alliance.

Despite the controversy and the “fraud” that some indicate by the INE, he asked  not to celebrate his registration as a political party early, since no one has secured his registration.

A week ago, the civil organization of former President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, México Libre, did not reach the minimum number of affiliations to become a political party, since it lacked around 25 thousand memberships to formalize its existence as a political institution.

According to these figures, Mexico Libre was doomed to fail in its first attempt to obtain registration, however surprisingly this Thursday the National Electoral Institute (INE) reported through its Twitter account that the social group managed to affiliate 17 thousand people as of January 28. 

That strange increase in affiliates has attracted the attention of social network users , because they question the sudden interest of people to join the former president’s party, taking into account that Mexico Libre has been mocking in networks for not achieving assemblies in several entities of the Republic.

The suspected fraud begins to show itself among various Internet users , those who have already made their complaints on social networks.

A twitter user made the accounts and noted that Mexico Libre (with the INE’s own data), on January 21, 2020 had 208,187 affiliates and on January 28, 2020 already had 225,267 affiliates. That is to say 17 thousand members in a week, so it would only need 8 thousand 678 members to complete the goal of 233,945 people.

The same user points out that the fraud would be in the INE Mobile App to which they would be saturating with daily affiliations.

Dozens of users on social networks accuse that the Calderón family has impregnated blood fraud, as the idea that Felipe Calderón “stole” the presidency in 2006 is still present in thousands of Mexicans. In addition, to his wife Margarita Zavala, INE himself sanctioned her for false signatures.

Historian Pedro Salmerón recalled the 2006 fraud .

According to the portal Sin Línea, (which in turn quotes a column from the newspaper El Universal) Felipe Calderón and the head of INE, Lorenzo Córdova ate together in a restaurant in the city.

However, after that meeting was aired ,  El Universal took out an “explanatory note” in which they explained that they did agree in the restaurant, but that “they didn’t cross word”.

“They tell us at the National Electoral Institute that the counselor president Lorenzo Córdova did not eat or cross a word with former president Felipe Calderón in a restaurant in the south of Mexico City, as discussed in this space.”

Resultado de imagen de mexico libre fraude

Source: regeneracion.mx, polemon.mx

The Mazatlan Post