All films in another language would be dubbed to Spanish in Mexico


All foreign films that premiere in Mexico will be dubbed into Spanish and even in indigenous languages, according to the initiative of the senator of Morena Martí Batres.

“The films will be shown to the public in their original version and, where appropriate, subtitled in Spanish, under the terms established by the Regulations.  Those classified for children and educational documentaries may be shown dubbed into Spanish. ”

The initiative of the senator includes proposals of the dubbing guild , and together with the National Association of Actors (ANDA) announced that it seeks to reform articles 8, 10, 23, and 42 section V of the Federal Law of Cinematography .

Attention is added to the eighth article: “Movies whose original language is different from Spanish must have a dubbed version that remains in the same number of rooms, in each complex, and for the same time as the original language version, respecting the percentages of the total exhibition time stipulated in article 19 of this law.

“In at least one daily schedule per room, in addition, a dubbed version of the predominant indigenous language in the region should be offered.

“In the case of films whose original language is Spanish, a version dubbed to the predominant indigenous language in the region must also be offered at least one schedule per room.”

Martí Batres, senator of Morena, does the initiative ignoring the work that federal deputy Sergio Mayer did throughout 2019 in the Committee on Culture and Cinematography, where he summoned the community to modify the Federal Law of Cinematography in a consensual way.

The theme of dubbing is controversial and this initiative goes against what the Mexican Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMACC ) wanted, which was to respect the current law that dictates that “the films will be shown to the public in their original version and, where appropriate, subtitled in Spanish, in the terms established by the regulation. Those classified for children and educational documentaries may be shown dubbed into Spanish. ”

Resultado de imagen de Todas las películas en otro idioma se doblaran al español en México

With the reforms to the law proposed by the deputy of Morena, all foreign films would have to be dubbed into Spanish by law.

The AMACC said at the tables with Deputy Mayer that “the public has the right to receive the work in the form that was originally conceived (right that is violated when the script is modified and the voice changed), and when authorizing the dubbing is placed private interest (eminently for profit) over public interest ”.

Resultado de imagen de Todas las películas en otro idioma se doblaran al español en México

Currently, thanks to an amparo achieved in 2000 against the provisions of article 8 of the cinematography law, the large Hollywood studios send hundreds of copies of their blockbusters to movie theaters with Spanish versions and fewer and fewer copies In its original language.

But now the studios would have to double by law their films to Spanish, something that will benefit them even more, and less to Mexican cinema, as the community warned at the time.

Victor Ugalde, president of the Rafael E. Portas Public Cinematographic Observatory, gave his opinion on the initiative that contains several errors and inconsistencies.

Resultado de imagen de Todas las películas en otro idioma se doblaran al español en México

“Sovereignty must be respected. This initiative has great errors and inconsistencies in its statement of reasons. It tries to make the Beijing Treaty applicable but goes further and clashes with the system of existing rights in the world and national laws on the matter. It is repetitive and there is a lack of legal technique in its drafting. Martí must call all the members of the film production chain for his study or it will rain multiple shelters ”.

According to Batres and ANDA , the initiative seeks to benefit more than 10,000 workers in the dubbing industry in Mexico, so it proposes adding other articles such as the Federal Copyright Law, Federal Labor Law, Federal Telecommunications Law, and Broadcasting and the General Law of Culture and Cultural Rights, in matters of regulation and protection of the labor rights of voice acting actors and actresses .

Resultado de imagen de Todas las películas en otro idioma se doblaran al español en México

The senator of Morena Martí Batres had planned to present it at the last session of the Permanent Commission of the Union Congress for discussion.

They propose to modify

  • Any audiovisual product that is distributed and exhibited in any way in the national territory whose language is different from Spanish has a version dubbed into Spanish and at least one version dubbed into an indigenous language alternately to its original version, in order to guarantee free Choice of spectators.
  • Encourage the access of visually impaired, illiterate and minority groups of indigenous speech to national and international audiovisual products.
  • Protect the national culture through the localization of the language consumed by the spectators who choose the dubbed Spanish versions.
  • Strengthen the gross domestic product by increasing the economic spill in the dubbing sector.
Resultado de imagen de Todas las películas en otro idioma se doblaran al español en México

What the law will say if passed

Article 8 in force

“The films will be shown to the public in their original version and, where appropriate, subtitled in Spanish, under the terms established by the Regulations. Those classified for children and educational documentaries may be shown dubbed into Spanish. ”

Proposed Article 8

“The films will be shown to the public in their original version and, where appropriate, subtitled in Spanish, under the terms established by the Regulations. Films whose original language is different from Spanish must have a dubbed version that will remain in the same number of rooms, in each complex, and for the same time as the original language version, respecting the percentages of the total exhibition time stipulated in the Article 19 of this Law.

In at least one daily schedule per room, in addition, a dubbed version of the predominant indigenous language in the region must be offered. In the case of films whose original language is Spanish, a version dubbed to the predominant indigenous language in the region must also be offered at least one schedule per room. ”

Resultado de imagen de Todas las películas en otro idioma se doblaran al español en México

Source: el economista

The Mazatlan Post