San Miguel Municipal Police acquires two high speed vehicles


San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.- The Municipal Police recently acquired two Ford Mustang vehicles adapted as patrol cars to strengthen the security strategy against high-impact crimes in the area.

San Miguel de Allende is one of the cities in Mexico with a largest concentration of American, Canadian and European expats, that reside there fulltime.

The sports units will begin to roll as of next week, driven by agents specially trained in the handling of high-speed car chases.

The Municipal Presidency informed that this is an action that aims at reinforcing security, mainly when it comes to high speed car pursuits.

This modern patrol cars will be located at strategic points, in permanent and direct coordination with the Highway Arches, C4 Commanding Center and the Mobile Watch Tower.

They will be located at the entrances and exits of this tourist city, and will patrol the roads that go to Dolores Hidalgo, Celaya and Querétaro.

“These Ford Mustang units meet the standards and norms that the National Public Security System manages and will be operated by two specially trained agents”, the mayor said.

Although, he did not reveal the price they paid for the vehicles.

Mayor Luis Alberto Villarreal García also announced a salary increase to municipal police of 10 percent as of this month, which will make them the highest paid municipal police officers statewide.

In April 2019, the Ministry of Public Security of the State adapted as patrols six luxury vehicles seized from criminal organizations, among them Cadillac, Mustang and Corvette, however, no achievements have been reported as a result from this action.

Source: San Miguel Times

The Mazatlan Post